Root canal therapy is the process of removing inflamed or dead tissue within the tooth. During this process the tooth is disinfected to reduce the presence of bacteria. The canal is then cleaned, dried, and filled to minimize the re-entry of bacteria.
Is the tooth dead?
Though your tooth will no longer be sensitive to heat or cold, it will still have feeling due to the bone and ligament that hold your tooth in the jaw.
Do you remove the roots?
The roots of your tooth are not removed. The inside of the roots are cleaned and the rest of the root is left to support the tooth.
Will the treatment be painful?
Treatment is generally required because pain, due to infection, is already present. The procedure will alleviate that pain and should not be a painful process. Local anesthesia is applied to ensure optimal comfort during treatment. For most patients, the feeling of numbness usually subsides after two-to-three hours. Please note that it is possible to have some discomfort for two-to-three days after the procedure. This can be treated with over-the-counter medication.
Do you take out teeth?
We only perform an extraction when it must be done immediately, and you cannot be seen by your regular dentist or an oral surgeon. Our preference is for the same person who removes the tooth to be the one who professionally places an implant. This way the site will be prepared in a way that is familiar to the person placing the implant.
Are implants better than root canals?
Maintaining your natural teeth is our top priority, and is generally the best long-term solution. However, if we feel that root canal treatment is not predictable, then a dental implant may be recommended.
Why do you use a microscope?
Use of a microscope adds superior lighting and magnification while treating your tooth.
Why would I need to return for retreatment?
If you have not had your tooth permanently restored in a timely manner, the canal system may have become re-infected with bacteria. In this case a retreatment may restore your tooth to health. The rate of fracture for an unrestored treated tooth is very high. If the tooth has cracked, then it may not be restorable, and you will lose what you have invested in.
What causes a root canal to fail?
There are a number of reasons a root canal could fail. You could have missed anatomy from the initial treatment, a vertical root fracture, or a crack in the tooth. It’s also possible for new decay to form.