cookeville root canal

Coffee May Fight Periodontal Disease

Do you drink coffee? Research shows that drinking coffee may have protective benefits against gum disease. Read on to learn more, and thanks for visiting Cumberland Endodontics.  Researchers at the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine wanted to know if, since coffee contains antioxidants and antioxidants fight periodontal disease, does it follow…

What’s the Best Way to Brush Your Teeth?

Believe it or not, there are differing opinions on what the best way to brush your teeth is. Read on to learn why there is such inconsistencies. Thanks for visiting Cumberland Endodontics.  If you’re unsure about the best way to brush your teeth, you’re unlikely to get much help from experts. Dental associations and toothpaste…

Tooth Plaque Provides Unique Insights Into Our Prehistoric Ancestors’ Diet

Teeth are absolutely amazing! Even over an extremely long period of time, they can hold valuable information. Read on to learn more, and thanks for visiting Cumberland Endodontics.  An international team of researchers has found new evidence that our prehistoric ancestors had a detailed understanding of plants long before the development of agriculture. By extracting…

Adult Stem Cells Could Treat Tooth Loss

Growing new teeth could become a possibility in the future. Read on to learn more about where current research is headed. Thanks for visiting Cumberland Endodontics.  Pioneering techniques aiming to grow new teeth from a patient’s own stem cells will be on display at the Royal Society’s Summer Science Exhibition which opens to the public on 1…

New Caries Treatment Helps Remineralize Teeth

Dentistry continues to change with new technology, and it could look very different in the future. New innovations could lead to techniques that allow teeth to repair themselves without the need for fillings. Read on to learn more, and thanks for visiting us at Cumberland Endodontics.  U.K. researchers have developed a tooth-rebuilding technique that could do…

The Negative Impact of Sugar On Your Oral Health

Sugar is detrimental to your oral health, as well as you overall health. Read on to learn more, and thanks for visiting Cumberland Endodontics.  Sugar has a direct impact on the health of your teeth and mouth in general.  While the amount, type and form of the sugars can also depend on the severity of the…

Health Tip: Prevent Gum Disease

Gum disease can lead to tooth loss and other serious dental problems. That’s why it’s important to recognize the risk factors. mentions these typical contributors to gum disease: Practicing poor dental hygiene. Chewing tobacco or smoking. Having a genetic predisposition toward gum disease. Having crooked teeth that are difficult to keep clean. Having diabetes. Taking certain calcium channel…

Up to 3,000 Times the Bacterial Growth Found on Hollow-head Toothbrushes

Be sure to know what type of brush you are using and the proper ways to keep it clean. Thanks for visiting Mt. Juliet and Cookeville Endodontics.  Solid-head power toothbrushes retain less bacteria compared to hollow-head toothbrushes, according to researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) School of Dentistry. The results…

How E-cigarettes Impact Our Oral Health

E-cigarettes do contain chemicals and nicotine that can endanger your oral health. Read on to learn more. Thanks for visiting Mt. Juliet and Cookeville Endodontics.  With the recent popularity of the recreational use of e-cigarettes and hookah pens as a “healthier” decision to traditional cigarettes, consumers are falsely convinced there are no harmful effects to these…

Risk of Pneumonia in the Elderly Doubled by Sleeping in Dentures

Do you, or someone you know, wear dentures? This article could pertain to you. Read on to learn more, and thanks for visiting Mt. Juliet and Cookeville Endodontics.  Poor oral health and hygiene are increasingly recognized as major risk factors for pneumonia among the elderly. To identify modifiable oral health-related risk factors, lead researcher Toshimitsu Iinuma, Nihon…